Saturdays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Sundays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Wednesdays (Shotgun only) 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

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Pistol Range Info

Rifle & Pistol Fees

Open to the Public: Saturdays and Sundays: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.  
Open to Members: 7 Days a week - Sunrise to Sunset. 

Members $10 on Saturday and Sunday. 
(Members may use R&P range when not open to the public, during daylight hours, for no fee.) 

Non-Members $30 for all day when open to the public.
(non-member guests in attendance with a member $25 limit 2 guests per member) 

Ammunition: Available for the most popular handgun/rifle calibers. Prices vary by caliber. Discount pricing for members. All Pricing Includes Tax. 

Rentals: Spotting Scopes and Steel Targets are available for rental during public hours. WCGC does not rent Rifles or Pistols. 

CLICK BUTTON below to sign and agree to participate in activities at WCGC. Signing this waiver is voluntary. However, use of range or presence on premises is dependent on signature.


PISTOL RANGE:  20 Position Pistol Range - This covered firing line is very popular with local families, re-loaders, and competitive shooters. The WCGC handgun range is split into two separate ranges. 50 Yard Range (Range A) and 25 yard Range (Range B).

For Pistol Instruction at Winchester Canyon Gun Club, Please see the "Contact Us" page on our website for a list of WCGC Approved Instructors. 

*WCGC Does NOT have Pistols for Rent.

For current dates and times, see our Calendar!

FALLING PLATES Action Pistol Match takes place every other month on the 200 yard pistol range. Contestants compete against the clock to knock down six steel plates mounted on racks located at the 25 yard line. Competition starts 10 yards from the plates and progresses backward to distances of 15, 20 and 25 yards. We sometimes also shoot bowling pins at this match.

Safety rules are strictly enforced, and no one handles any firearm after the match starts except the people whose turn it is to shoot.

MUZZLE LOADING BLACK POWDER RIFLE AND PISTOL MATCHES take place every other month on the 200 yard rifle range. Competition is from the firing line out to 100 yards and 200 yards. Targets are steel gongs, with paper targets, located between 50 and 200 yards. Safe handling of old style muzzle loading arms and period dress and costumes are promoted.

WCGC Handgun Rules and Protocols

    The WCGC handgun range is split into two separate ranges. 
    50 Yard Range (Range A) and 25 yard Range (Range B).

    Rules and Protocols for Handgun Range A (50 Yard Range)

      1.     Always keep gun muzzle pointed down range.
      2.     Keep finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
      3.     Always keep firearm unloaded until ready to use.
      4.     No “Cross Range” shooting. (Only fire at target on your assigned lane)
      5.     Unused handguns will be completely unloaded, with actions open, and placed on a bench or cased.
      6.     At no time will a firearm be loaded except when shooting on the firing line
      7.     Call “Cease Fire” prior to walking onto range.
      8.     When you hear “Cease Fire” unload your firearm, actions must be open, leave your weapon facing down range and step behind yellow line. 
      9.     During “Cease Fire” you must stay behind the yellow line unless you are down range with your target.
      10.  Take flag and place into ground pocket during all “Cease Fires” before going down range.
      11.  All persons not down range must stay behind the yellow line. Handling of firearms, ammunition or components is prohibited for any reason whenever anyone is forward of the firing line.
      12.  Do not go past the 25 yard range mark unless both Handgun Ranges A & B are on “Cease Fire”.
      13.  When you are done setting up the targets, and have checked that there are no persons down range, remove flag and place back in storage pipe and call out “RANGE IS CLEAR”
      14.  Drawing from a holster is prohibited unless training with a WCGC Approved Instructor.
      15. Rifles shooting .22 Long Rifle ammunition can be used. However, any other caliber, even if it’s classified as a “handgun” cartridge, must be used at the Rifle Range.
      16. If you observe an unsafe act, depending on severity, inform the person of their actions and educate them on safe firearm handling and/or contact the on-duty RSO on public days. If act warrants it, call a cease fire until the situation is no longer a safety hazard. On non-public days, attempt to identify the person and inform the range manager of the incident at rangemanager@wcgc.org.

      Rules and Protocols for Handgun Range B (25 Yard Range)

      1.     Always keep gun muzzle pointed down range.
      2.     Keep finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
      3.     Always keep firearm unloaded until ready to use.
      4.     No “Cross Range” shooting. (Only fire at target on your assigned lane)
      5.     Unused handguns will be completely unloaded, with actions open, and placed on a bench or cased.
      6.     At no time will a firearm be loaded except when shooting on the firing line
      7.     Call “Cease Fire” prior to walking onto range.
      8.     When you hear “Cease Fire” unload your firearm, actions must be open, leave your weapon facing down range and step behind yellow line. 
      9.     During “Cease Fire” you must stay behind the yellow line unless you are down range with your target.
      10.  Take flag and place into ground pocket during all “Cease Fires” before going down range.
      11.  All persons not down range must stay behind the yellow line. Handling of firearms, ammunition or components is prohibited for any reason whenever anyone is forward of the firing line.
      12.  When you are done setting up the targets, and have checked that there are no persons down range, remove flag and place back in storage pipe and call out “RANGE IS CLEAR”
      13.  Drawing from a holster is prohibited.
      14. Rifles shooting .22 Long Rifle ammunition can be used. However, any other caliber, even if it’s classified as a “handgun” cartridge, must be used at the Rifle Range.

      15. If you observe an unsafe act, depending on severity, inform the person of their actions and educate them on safe firearm handling and/or contact the on-duty RSO on public days. If act warrants it, call a cease fire until the situation is no longer a safety hazard. On non-public days, attempt to identify the person and inform the range manager of the incident at rangemanager@wcgc.org.

      Target Schematics

      Winchester Canyon Gun Club:  Target Schematics
      Click here to download the Pistol and Rifle Target Stand Schematics .pdf

      THE CLUB WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL SHOOTING ON THE EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICES. Activities such as work parties are permitted but discharging of all firearms is strictly prohibited.

      Hours and fees are subject to change throughout the year. Current fees are posted at the range. All events are subject to change due to weather or range conditions. See Calendar for full information.


      1. The RANGEMASTER and TRAPMASTER (Range Safety Officer and/or Range Manager) have ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY OVER THE WCGC RANGES AND FIELDS, AND MAY EXPEL ANYONE AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION. Safety is our highest priority. Anyone who sees a violation of these Range Rules, or any unsafe activity should inform the WCGC Range Safety Officer and/or Range Manager immediately. If neither is available, the person seeing the problem has the responsibility and authority to correct the violation as quickly as safety permits. Safety is EVERYONE’s responsibility. All safety incidents must be reported in writing within 24 hours to the Range Manager.
      2. All shooters and guests of shooters (members or non-members) MUST sign a WCGC WAIVER prior to any shooting on the ranges. This includes all events. Adult parent/guardian must sign a waiver for all minors that they accompany.  Adult Shooters must be over the age of 21 or over the age of 18 with a valid & unexpired Hunting License. Signed waiver is good for one year. Click here for information regarding California Hunting Licenses. https://wildlife.ca.gov/Hunter-Education
      3. Minors under the age of 18 MUST be under the direct control and immediate close supervision of a responsible accompanying adult at all times on any range. IN ADDITION, in order to shoot a handgun at WCGC, a person under 18 MUST be under the direct control of a parent or legal guardian. WCGC employees will NOT act as an accompanying adult.  Adult Shooters must be over the age of 21 or over the age of 18 with a valid & unexpired Hunting License. https://wildlife.ca.gov/Hunter-Education
      4. Instruction. A WCGC Certified Firearms Instructor approved by the WCGC Board of Directors MUST be present whenever live fire instruction is given on any WCGC Range.
      5. BOTH EYE AND HEARING PROTECTION ARE MANDATORY for anyone on or nearby any WCGC Range or firing line.
      6. Use only handguns on the Handgun Range, rifles on the Rifle Range, and only shotguns on the Trap and Skeet Fields. Handguns and shotguns are permitted on the 200-yard Range IF REQUIRED DURING A BOARD APPROVED EVENT. .22 Rimfire Rifles are permitted on the handgun range or rifle range. Class III firearms are permitted only for board-approved events such as Law Enforcement training. Firing modern rifles chambered for caliber .50 BMG and larger is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to handguns, muzzle loading firearms or rifles chambered for one of the early black powder cartridges.
      7. Point muzzles in a safe direction. All firing lines must be in one direction only. When not on the firing line, all firearms will be unloaded, with action open and muzzle pointed in a safe direction (usually pointed down on the shotgun fields and up on rifle and handgun ranges). Rifles not in use will be completely unloaded, with actions open and racked or cased. Unused handguns will be completely unloaded, with actions open, and placed on a bench or cased. Leaving the range area with a holstered handgun may be allowed at the discretion of the Range Safety Officer. At no time will a firearm be loaded except when shooting on the firing line or on command during a match or event. Drawing and firing a handgun from a holster is allowed only if required by a WCGC Certified Firearms Instructor, Event Chair or Match Director.
      8. Targets. It is prohibited to shoot at structures, walls, exploding targets, glass, rocks, hard flat surfaces, or trash. Only items designed as a target are to be used as a target. Steel targets can be used with the following limitations: Must be AR500 steel or harder. Must be hanging/swinging or mounted in a way to deflect the projectile downwards. Shooter should not be closer than 15 yards. If excessive spall or bounce back is occurring, the target shall not be used. Absolutely no ground targets. No airborne targets. Only bio-degradable clay targets are allowed on the shotgun fields. Steel Target Rentals are available on the R/P Range during Public Hours. Steel Targets will be painted white for each use. Steel Targets must not be placed closer than 15 yards on the Pistol Range or 100 yards on the Rifle Range. Must leave ID as Rental Deposit.
      9. Aimed fire only. Poorly aimed rapid fire (Spray and Pray) is prohibited on all ranges at all times.
      10. Stay behind the firing line. No one shall go forward of the rifle or handgun bay pads or shotgun shooting stations for any reason while the range is live. The range or field must be closed and the red flag properly posted in front of the firing lines before going downrange.
      11. CEASE FIRES. When a cease fire is called, all firearms must be completely unloaded, actions must be opened, rifles must be placed in a rack, shotguns must be placed in a rack and handguns must be placed on a bench or in a case. Red Cease Fire Flag must be placed into ground pocket during all Cease Fires” before going down range. Handling of firearms is absolutely forbidden for any reason whenever anyone is forward of the firing line.
      12. Incidents/Accidents: To ensure the safety of all members, guests, and employees, WCGC has a comprehensive safety plan in place. Part of this plan is personal accounts of any incidents and/or accidents. The person involved and/or witness to any incident/accident on the WCGC property resulting in injury to or death of any persons, damage to any range or personal property or violation of any WCGC Range Safety Rules shall, as soon as practical, give notice of the incident/accident to WCGC Range Personnel both verbally and in writing. Click here for WCGC Eyewitness Incident/Accident Form.
      13. Use of the club by members. The club is closed to all shooting on the equinoxes, solstices, and board-approved Native American ceremonial days. Use of the ranges by members and their guest(s) is allowed on all other days from sunrise to sunset. Members must be present with their guest(s). Lending WCGC membership cards or gate combinations is prohibited. Gates shall be kept locked except when the ranges are open to the general public. Only WCGC Board of Directors authorized personnel may open containers, or club buildings.
      14. Use of the 200-yard range is restricted. During public hours of operation, access to the 200-yard range is limited to WCGC Board of Directors authorized events and under control of the Range Manager with coordination of the Event Chair or Match Director. Current WCGC Members may be allowed to use the 200-yard range at the sole discretion of the Range Manager. See full WCGC 200 Yard Range Protocols HERE.
      15. Clean-up. Leave the range in better condition than you found it. Clean up brass, empty shells, and targets. Put unfired or DUD rounds in the appropriate containers or take them with you. Do NOT put them in the regular trash.
      16. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY BE CONSUMED ON THE FIRING LINE. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted on any firing line. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN ON THE RIFLE AND HANDGUN RANGES. 
      17. Respect those around you! Keep ALL pets on a leash or contained at all times. Pets are NOT allowed on any firing line or shotgun station at any time. Behavior that disturbs or distracts others is dangerous and prohibited. Follow the RULES specific to any range, field or event. Comply immediately with direction from the Rangemasters, Trapmasters, Event Chairs or Match Directors. Your life and the safety and lives of those around you depend on it.

      Winchester Canyon Gun Club

      6620 West Camino Cielo, Santa Barbara, CA 93105:
      Do not send mail to this address - See Contact Us Page for more Information.

      Map & Directions HERE

      Ranges Open to the Public
      Saturdays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
      Sundays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
      Wednesdays (Shotgun only) 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

      Ranges Open to Members
      Seven days a week - Sunrise to Sunset


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