Saturdays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Sundays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Wednesdays (Shotgun only) 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

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WCGC 2024 Capital Improvement Campaign

Winchester Canyon Gun Club to start Capital Improvements

WCGC was founded in 1955 and was moved to the current location in 1962. Most of the structures and facilities have been in place since that time. As many of you know, time and weather take a toll on structures and facilities. Our club sits at approximately 3000 feet above sea level and experiences extremes in weather causing a slow decay of the grounds and facilities. WCGC has been fortunate to keep things in working order but more repairs and improvements are needed at this time. We are one of the very few clubs that are truly "off grid".

Your generous contribution, sponsorship or physical assistance, you will make a direct impact on the capital improvements at WCGC. Your support is a testament to your commitment to the shooting sports and to our community.

The Board of Directors has identified several areas where improvements are essential. These include:

  • Solar Power for Security & Generator Back-Up - Rifle/Pistol Range & Shotgun Range - Approx: $103,000
  • New 75 Yard Rifle/Pistol Range - Approx: $15,000 plus professional erosion and impact report
  • Bathroom Upgrades on Rifle/Pistol Range & Shotgun Range - Approx: $5,000
  • Shotgun Range Clubhouse Upgrade - Enclosing back patio and adding front awning - Approx: $110,000
  • 200 Yard Range Road Upgrade - Approx: $25,000
  • Rifle/Pistol Range Shack Upgrade - Adding front awning and storage areas - Approx: $10,000
  • Shotgun Shade Shelter Replacement between Shotgun Trap 1 & 2 - Approx: $15,000
  • Rifle/Pistol Range Roofing Repair & Upgrade (200 Yard, 100 Yard & 50 Yard Ranges) - Approx: $30,000
  • Rifle/Pistol Range Electric Gates (Requires Power) - Approx: $10,00

    You can donate or sponsor in many ways: 

      • Labor by helping with work being done
      • If you are a contractor please step forward where you and your crew can help
      • A monetary donation/sponsorship of any size is appreciated
      • Corporate/Business Sponsorship welcome

    Become a Sponsor:

    Organizations such as corporations and businesses have the opportunity to become sponsors. As a respected leader in the community, your involvement with Winchester Canyon Gun Club provides an opportunity for your organization to gain exposure enhancing your company's profile and introduce it to a new audience. As a token of appreciation for your corporate sponsorship, your company logo and link will be prominently displayed on materials promoting the Capitol Improvement Campaign as well as your company banner proudly displayed at our ranges in 2024. Furthermore, as an additional token of our gratitude, any corporate or personal funding of a full Capitol Improvement Project will qualify for permanent signage with your name (crafted from metal, wood, or stone) on the specific improvement. Use your advertising budget and sponsor one or more of our projects! You can also team up with another corporation or business or friends and together co-sponsor one of the projects, the options are endless! 

    Help with Labor:

    Persons or contractors can provide invaluable assistance in various areas to improve our facilities. Do you have a special talent or knowledge in construction, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, welding, painting, solar, or other contracting work? By joining forces with us, you can make a significant impact and help us achieve our goals of improving and enhancing our facilities. Your expertise and skills will be greatly valued and utilized to ensure the highest quality of work.

    By supporting WCGC's capital improvements, you become an integral part of preserving and enhancing this cherished community resource. Your contribution will ensure that WCGC continues to provide a safe and enjoyable shooting environment for generations to come.

    If you have any questions or require further information regarding donations or sponsorships, please contact: Ruthann Morrison, Business Manager at membership@wcgc.org. If you have any questions or require further information regarding directly helping in person, please contact Matt Nordin, Range Manager at rangemanager@wcgc.org.

    Donations or Sponsorships can be made online below, in person at the range or a check can be mailed to: WCGC PO Box 3306, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

    Goal: $100,000.00
    Collected: $3,200.00
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    Winchester Canyon Gun Club operates environmentally responsible shooting ranges for its members and the general public, keeping firearm safety paramount. WCGC is a safe, inclusive and friendly place for responsible gun owners, friends and families to learn, practice and challenge your marksmanship skills. WCGC is  a non-profit 501(c)4 organization located near Santa Barbara, California.

    Winchester Canyon Gun Club has provided a safe shooting environment since 1955.

    Winchester Canyon Gun Club

    6620 West Camino Cielo, Santa Barbara, CA 93105:
    Do not send mail to this address - See Contact Us Page for more Information.

    Map & Directions HERE

    Ranges Open to the Public
    Saturdays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
    Sundays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
    Wednesdays (Shotgun only) 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    Ranges Open to Members
    Seven days a week - Sunrise to Sunset


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