On April 19, 2025, CRPA will be working with their member ranges to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Shot Heard Around the World. This was the first shot that started the Battle of Lexington and Concord which propelled many American colonist to fight for their independence. On this anniversary, firearm owners and advocates across California will make their freedoms heard and fire their own “Shot Around the World!”
Please join us at WCGC Rifle/Pistol Range on April 19th to participate by firing your own "Shot Heard Around the World" simultaneously with many others around California!
CRPA’s “Shot Heard Around the World" Patch

The above patch will be directly mailed to all participants who sign up for the event online. To sign up, participants will pay $10 for the patch and to cover shipping. You can also participate that day at the range for free (no patch). Remember all participants must have a WCGC waiver on file or sign one before participating.
April 19, 1775 British Colonial farmers, craftsman and shop keepers rose up against the threat of their own army being sent against them to take their firearms and ammo away. This was the breaking point in a decade long angst against their government. The British marched on the two towns of Lexington and Concord where a 14-hour battle would begin with the famous phrase, “For God’s sake Men FIRE!!!” after the British had killed the first three colonials.
The term “Shot heard Round the world” is from when those citizens took up arms to the battle cry command and summarily delivered the first fatal blows to the most powerful navy and army (Britain) in what would be a long eight-year war. Those patriots set the foundation for the United States of America and became true Americans on that day.
Today we not only celebrate that event that took place 250 years ago…we acknowledge that fighting for your rights to keep your firearms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment which reads, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is an American tradition. We fire this shot, this morning with thousands of fellow patriots across this great land with those who do so at the Old North Bridge in Concord.