Renewal of Annual (Premium) (Family) membership.
Must be over the age of 21 or over the age of 18 with a valid & unexpired Hunting License.
Annual membership is valid for 12 months from anniversary date of original application or last renewal date.
Membership is a Family Membership which includes spouse and immediate children under the age 21.
Printable copy of your temporary Membership card will be emailed to you upon payment. Your Official Plastic WCGC Membership Card and WCGC Lanyard will be mailed to you within 2 weeks. Please make sure that your correct email and mailing address is included on the renewal form.
All RENEWAL MEMBERSHIPS must complete the Online Membership Renewal Form. Please copy the link below and paste in browser to Sign Renewal Form Online. There is no need to print and send to us, once you fill our the form online, we will have the digital form on file. Thank you!
The Renewal Process may take 1 to 2 weeks from time of application/renewal. Please note: If your membership has lapsed more than 30 days, you will be charged a $50 Lapsed Renewal fee.